A long time ago, before the age of the gods and before the evolution of man, there rained other beings.
First were the chaotics, strange, unformed energys that eventually formed into chaos, fate, time, matter and anti matter.
Then came the premordials. Strong beings that personified things like the earth, the night, the void.
After them came the titans. Two particular titans, in fact.
Cronus and his sister Rhea. Pronounced, re ah.
Cronus married his sister Rhea and was intent on having children however, he was given a profecy by Gaia herself.
The profecy spoke of a boy, son of Cronus, who would slay the Titans and end there rule bringing forth the 5th age. The age of the gods.
Frightened and desperate, Cronus began eating his children, first Hestia, then the rest. As you can imagine, Rhea was none to pleased and so, her last child, she fed Cronus a rock instead of a child, and hid the child with the nymphs.
This child, was you. Lord Zeus. King of the gods. Master of lightning, ruler of the sky. This is your story and how you came to power.


lets go!

go away, you nosy people, I am to important for all you people